Tristana's Wild Magic


This system was created to make the game more interesting, and to help the DM guide the story, the player characters, and Tristana’s personal character development. The system serves the story, not the other way around. Feel free to fudge anything here to enrich the DnD experience. At its core, this webpage is a collection of guidelines to help you better understand and curate Tristana’s emotional and magical journey.

Who is Tristana?

  • Emotionally driven
  • Mom died during childbirth, and passed a curse on to her
  • Left the civilized world at age 8
  • Grew up in the wild
  • Developing sense of morality
  • Values friendship, peace, harmony, and food
  • She's really just a normal girl with unfortunate circumstances.

Tristana's Relationship with Magic

  1. Tristana is afraid of her own magic – at a young age, she accidently killed her family.
  2. Tristana’s magic is the physical manifestation of her emotions. In moments of strong resolve, anger, fear, etc. Tristana will cast magic that is emotionally appropriate, even if she doesn’t want to.
  3. She is deathly afraid of her magic, but she isn’t bad at it. Her magic is destabilized by her fear and lack of practice.

Tristana Lemar

Level 2 Human Sorcerer (♀)
Chaotic Good
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110 lbs
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Game Group: Pink EllenDNDale

I'm too emotional... Sometimes I do stuff without thinking...
I don't like it when my friends argue, but I'm not good at stopping it.
I don't know why, but people are nice to me, and like talking to me.
When someone insults me, I get worried because I don't want to be bad.
People aren't angry at me a lot. I think it's because I'm not angry at them?
The thing that scares me the most is mean people.
I don't know a lot of words.
If someone is nice, then they're my friend!
You'll often hear me say "I never thought of that before!"
Sometimes, I say things out loud that you're not supposed to say out loud

Friends are important! They're nice and good!
More food is good, because not enough food is bad! So I like to get more food.

I want to make my magic useful, and help all the nice people I know.
I want to get rid of my curse (only after she finds out she's cursed)

Born in a small village in the mountain forest.
Mother died during childbirth, passing on a demonic curse to Tristana.
Father was a hunter/trapper.
Accidentally burned down house (Emotional Wild Magic) at age 8.
Ran away, crying, and accidentally fell off a cliff. Couldn't find my way back to the village.
Lived alone in the forest from 8 to 15.

Party Friendship! Background
Met Shepard when I saw sheep for the first time. He fed me. We became friends.
Chef is nice because he makes the food I have more tasty.
The Bard is funny and his card magic is so cool!
Ninja man is fun to hug.

STR: 06 (-2)
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 18 (+4)
INT: 09 (-1)
WIS: 08 (-1)
CHR: 16 (+3)
Size: Medium
Hit Dice: d6
Intiative: +2
AC: 13
Speed: 30ft

Wild Child
Nature (+2)
Stealth (+4/+8)
Survival (+4)
Eating Bad Food (+6)
Whittling (+4)

Flame Caller
Constitution Saving Throw (+6)
Charisma Saving Throw (+5)
Intimidation (+5) (only when Mantle of Flame)

Sexy Sexy Catsuit
  • +4 to stealth rolls. Must end every sentence with "nya~".
Clarinet of Truth
  • Blow at a creature to force them to speak their deepest, darkest secret.

Brenton Lemar's Dagger Father's Memento (Intricate carved handle)
  • +4 hit; 1d4+2 dmg
Shortbow - Self made (+inf arrows)
  • +4 hit; 1d6+2 dmg
Panic Fire - Can only be used when emotionally distressed
  • Cantrip: Hit:+5; 1d8+3(CHR) dmg; No effect on successful save;
Panic Fire 2 - Only used when overwhelmed (multiple enemies, or 1 enemy in 5ft threatening Tristana)
  • Lvl 1 Spell: 2d6 + 1d6 per mp + 3(CHR). 15 ft cone.
Cure Wounds - Tears cure wounds
  • Lvl 1 Spell: 1d8 per mp + 3(CHR). Must be fresh tears, and Tristana must want to heal.

Melee Weapons:
  • Club
  • Dagger
  • Handaxe
  • Light Hammer
  • Mace
  • Shortsword
Ranged Weapons:
  • Sling
  • Light Crossbow
  • Heavy Crossbow
  • Shortbow
  • Longbow
  • Net
  • Wood Carving Tool
  • Animal Trap
  • Light

Name: Madeline Brenton
Profession: Model, thinking of going into acting.

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